Typical applications
our products fit into:

  • Industrial Automation
  • Transportation; Trucks, Buses, Trains
  • Medical
  • Offshore and Shipping
  • Construction Equipment
  • Oil and Gas
  • Machinebuilders
  • Installation of Pipes
  • Installation of Cables
  • Installation of leaking cable for tunnelradio

We are your trusted business partner!

A global and efficient team of professionals with vast
experience from the electronics and electro-mechanics market
who understand customers needs for cost efficient quality
products and good logistic solutions.

Learn More

Let's connect to discover the possibilities and experience the state-of-art products.

Get in Touch


General: Info(at)incona.se
Order: Order(at)incona.se
Finance: Finance(at)incona.se

Visitors : free hit counter


Incona AB
Stora Wäsby, gamla stallet
194 37 UpplandsVäsby

Phone: +46 (0)8 544 900 50