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Military Grade Filters

Military standards are much more stringent when compared to commercial applications because of negligible room for error. Military Grade Filters are especially used for Point of Entry (POE) protection. They are broadly categorized as Power Line, Data Line and Signal Line Filters covering the power supply and telecommunication equipment in defence applications.

Power Line Filter
• Facility Power Line Filters
• HEMP Power Line Filters

Signal Line Filter
• Telephone Line Filters
• Coaxial EMP Surge Protection

Data Line EMP Surge Protector
• Serial Port-EMP Surge Protector
• Ethernet EMP Surge Protector

• Control Line Filter
• Secondary Protector
• Tempest Filter
• MRI Filter
• High Performance MIL-Grade Filter for CE

Military Connectors, Backshells and Cable Assemblies

We have a wide range of connectors fulfilling military specification. In addition to this we also have
A wide range of backshell parts and we have the ability to customize. Cable assemblies after the customers specifications.

Silicone Overlays and Gaskets

• We produce fully custom adapted Silicone Overlays after your needs. With or without backlight functionality.

• We also produce Silicone gaskets made to fit your encapsulation. If needed, we can add conductive material to improve EMC performance.

Can't find what you are looking for?

INCONA is constantly looking for new ways to help our customers and improve our product line. Through our extensive network in Asia and Europe we may be able to find the component or solution you need. Our network includes electronic, electromechanical and mechanical components as well as embedded products. We are often able to provide cost efficient standard or customized solutions.




Incona AB
Stora Wäsby, Gamla stallet
194 37 Upplands Väsby

Phone: +46 (0)8 544 900 50
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